
  •  タイトル

  •  種類 / 単著・共著等 / 発行・発表年
     発行所、発行・発表雑誌等の名称 / 巻号頁

  • 松永 裕の著書・論文・学会発表等
    No. 詳細

  • Differential Mitochondrial Adaptation of the Slow and Fast Skeletal Muscles by Endurance Running Exercise in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Mice.
  • 雑誌 / 2024年
    Physiol Res. 73: 369-379. 2024
  • 2

  • 15章 トレーニング休止に対する栄養の効果
  • 単行本 / 分担執筆 / 2024年
    ミトコンドリアトレーニング: 筋肉中心で考えるトレーニングサイエンス, 市村出版
  • / 164-173
  • 3

  • Effects of Endurance Training on Metabolic Enzyme Activity and Transporter Proteins in Skeletal Muscle of Ovariectomized Mice.
  • 雑誌 / 2023年
    Med Sci Sports Exerc. 55: 186-198. 2023
  • 4

  • Time Courses of Gastric Volume and Content After Different Types of Casein Ingestion in Healthy Men: A Randomized Crossover Study.
  • 雑誌 / 2022年
    J Nutr. 152: 2367-2375. 2022
  • 5

  • Branched-chain amino acid supplementation suppresses the detraining-induced reduction of mitochondrial content in mouse skeletal muscle.
  • 雑誌 / 2022年
    FASEB J. 36: e22628. 2022
  • 6

  • Effects of Lactate Administration on Mitochondrial Respiratory Function in Mouse Skeletal Muscle.
  • 雑誌 / 2022年
    Front Physiol. 13: 920034. 2022
  • 7

  • Lactate administration does not affect denervation-induced loss of mitochondrial content and muscle mass in mice.
  • 雑誌 / 2021年
    FEBS open Bio. 11: 2836-2844. 2021
  • 8

  • Enhanced skeletal muscle glycogen repletion after endurance exercise is associated with higher plasma insulin and skeletal muscle hexokinase 2 protein levels in mice: comparison of level running and downhill running model.
  • 雑誌 / 2021年
    J Physiol Biochem. 77: 469-480. 2021
  • 9

  • Effects of post-exercise glucose ingestion at different solution temperatures on glycogen repletion in mice.
  • 雑誌 / 2021年
    Physiol Rep. 9: e15041. 2021
  • 10

  • Effects of glucose ingestion at different frequencies on glycogen recovery in mice during the early hours post exercise.
  • 雑誌 / 2021年
    J Int Soc Sports Nutr. 18: 69. 2021
  • 11

  • High Carbohydrate Diet Increased Glucose Transporter Protein Levels in Jejunum but Did Not Lead to Enhanced Post-Exercise Skeletal Muscle Glycogen Recovery.
  • 雑誌 / 2021年
    Nutrients. 13: 2140. 2021
  • 12

  • Oral Lactate Administration Additively Enhances Endurance Training-Induced Increase in Cytochrome C Oxidase Activity in Mouse Soleus Muscle.
  • 雑誌 / 2020年
    Nutrients. 12: 770. 2020
  • 13

  • Effects of Casein Hydrolysate Ingestion on Thermoregulatory Responses in Healthy Adults during Exercise in Heated Conditions: A Randomized Crossover Trial.
  • 雑誌 / 2020年
    Nutrients. 12: 867. 2020
  • 14

  • Effect of post-exercise lactate administration on glycogen repletion and signaling activation in different types of mouse skeletal muscle.
  • 雑誌 / 2020年
    Current Research in Physiology. 3: 34-43. 2020
  • 15

  • Effects of lactate administration on mitochondrial enzyme activity and monocarboxylate transporters in mouse skeletal muscle.
  • 雑誌 / 2019年
    Physiol Rep. e14224. 2019
  • 16

  • Effects of nutrient intake timing on post-exercise glycogen accumulation and its related signaling pathways in mouse skeletal muscle.
  • 雑誌 / 2019年
    Nutrients. 11: 2555. 2019
  • 17

  • Comparison between pre-exercise casein peptide and intact casein supplementation on glucose tolerance in high-fat diet-fed mice.
  • 雑誌 / 2018年
    Appl Physiol Nutr Metab. 43: 355-362. 2018
  • 18

  • Effects of glucose with casein peptide supplementation on post-exercise muscle glycogen resynthesis in C57BL/6J mice.
  • 雑誌 / 2018年
    Nutrients. 10: 753. 2018
  • 19

  • Pre-exercise high-fat diet for 3 days affects post-exercise skeletal muscle glycogen repletion.
  • 雑誌 / 2017年
    J Nutr Sci Vitaminol. 63: 323-330. 2017
  • 20

  • Effects of heat stress treatment on age-dependent unfolded protein response in different types of skeletal muscle.
  • 雑誌 / 2017年
    J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 72: 299-308. 2017
  • 21

  • Effects of taurine administration on carbohydrate metabolism in skeletal muscle during the post-exercise phase.
  • 雑誌 / 2016年
    J Nutr Sci Vitaminol. 62: 258-265. 2016
  • 22

  • Daily heat stress treatment rescues denervation-activated mitochondrial clearance and atrophy in skeletal muscle.
  • 雑誌 / 2015年
    J Physiol. 593: 2707-2720. 2015
  • 23

  • Pre-exercise casein peptide supplementation enhances endurance training-induced mitochondrial enzyme activity in slow twitch muscle, but not fast twitch muscle of high fat diet-fed mice.
  • 雑誌 / 2015年
    J Phys Fitness Sports Med. 4: 377-384. 2015
  • 24

  • Effects of decreased lactate accumulation after dichloroacetate administration on exercise training-induced mitochondrial adaptations in mouse skeletal muscle.
  • 雑誌 / 2015年
    Physiol Rep. 3: e12555. 2015
  • 25

  • Post-exercise taurine administration enhances glycogen repletion in tibialis anterior muscle.
  • 雑誌 / 2014年
    J Phys Fitness Sports Med. 3: 531-537. 2014
  • 26

  • Postexercise whole body heat stress additively enhances endurance training-induced mitochondrial adaptations in mouse skeletal muscle.
  • 雑誌 / 2014年
    Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 307: R931-R943. 2014

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